At the beginning of Some Happy Day there is a scene where we see two women heading back to their car. They mistakenly go to the wrong car. When you watch be aware that the car they go to is a home. It is full of personal belongings, pillows and blankets.
I remember case managing a couple who I thought were sleeping in their car. I met them at the car one morning and was shocked to see it jam packed with belongings. There was no room to sleep, you couldn’t shift the seats back. They told me they sleep at the park most nights and only when it rains do they return to their car and sit up for the rest of the night.
They didn’t want to dispose of items precious to them and they remained hopeful that they would find housing eventually.
After a while they were able to link in with Journey to Social Inclusion, a program provided by the Sacred Heart Mission and they secured housing. Check out J2SI here.